Reaching More Buyers

CreditReportIllustrationSelling a House

It’s true, there are buyers in the market who can afford to buy your house but cant get a bank loan!

So what options do they have? Their options are limited due to the way our traditional selling system operates in Australia. In fact many potential buyers are excluded from the opportunity to buy a house simply because they don’t have a sufficient deposit, but can reliably make the repayments. Recognizing the obstacles for both buyers and sellers and engineering alternative approaches that appeal to a much larger number of buyers will increase the chances of selling if the price is considered realistic. So when lots of people are interested and able to buy, the property can be sold in days or weeks rather than months at market price.

If you are committed to selling, we suggest you get in touch if a sale without agents fees or commissions appeals to you. If we make an offer to buy your house it will be without fees and without stress!  We also buy land, commercial buildings and development sites, directly at market prices. If you want to sell fast  get in touch today and lets have a chat. “Anything is possible”.