Buying a House

Selling-House-NCPositively Buying a House without a Bank

Buying a house the conventional way, through a real estate agent funded using a bank loan, may not work for many people who seek to own their own home. We recognise that people have vastly different circumstances and the “one size fits all” approach to selling, may not work for a lot of potential buyers. It doesn’t have to be a struggle to get into your own home, even though current lending policies make it very difficult for people who are self employed, have no credit history in Australia or limited funds for a deposit to get a bank loan. For many, their only option is to rent.

Great news! You don’t need a bank loan to purchase a home and with the right terms, you could be enjoying the benefits of owning a home and building a solid future for your family sooner rather than possibly NEVER!  As a buyer it is still essential you have the ability to make repayments on a property, however, we can arrange easy terms that fits best with your situation, and there’s no bank qualifying. So if you don’t qualify for a bank loan, click here and complete the first step to owning your own home.