Our Property Focus

As a family based real estate company, we seek to source projects that fit with our expertise, which in turn offers the best outcomes for everyone involved, whether that be buyers, sellers, tenants or third parties who may be investing in our projects. Due to the need to manage all the relevant processes leading up to and during formation of a project, we look for willing sellers who we can work with to structure deals that have beneficial outcomes for all parties.

In looking toward the next project, we will happliy engage with agents, brokers and property owners direct, whether it be residential or commercial recycling or development projects.

Currently Looking to Acquire

Do You have a Potential Deal?

Finding the right property deals is often challenging, so for this reason we will happily pay a percentage based “spotters fee” for projects that we commit to.  Our appetite is for sites close to town with access to transport and local shopping. More specifically, we are interested in the following types of properties for acquisition:

  • Duplex land with or without development approvals;
  • Unit blocks on single titles located in established areas;
  • Approved development sites for residential units, townhouses, multiple housing;
  • Brick buildings for renovation including duplexes, unit blocks and houses;
  • Industrial buildings in one line with or without separate titling;
  • Land for small residential subdivisions in growth corridors or upcoming areas;
  • Land – commercial, residential or mixed use near major or regional centres;
  • Mortgagee sales of residential or commercial property.

Are You Considering Selling?

If you have a property that you would like to develop but lack the knowledge or financial ability to proceed, Property Results would like to offer a confidential discussion to see if there is a possibility to work with you on a commercial basis and maximise the value of the site. There are many different ways we can work with land owners to navigate the complex process of obtaining development approvals, engineering, design, consultation and Government titling. We can suggest the most profitable or suitable direction to take in all cases, with the assistance of our team of experienced professionals.

If you would like to discuss your property with Property Results, please phone or email us for a confidential discussion about the details. You’ll generally have an answer regarding acquisition within a short period following preliminary assessment.

Property Matrix

The diagram below shows the relationship between the different real estate components according to our operational model. We use this to direct activity in each area to the most suitable part of the matrix as needed.